Monday Jan. 1 - Sunday Jan. 7

By Wanda Perry
Copley News Service

Monday Jan. 1

ARIES (March 21 - April 19): Enjoy working behind the scenes today. There's a cloud of mystery around a joint account. Ask for proof of balance in writing.
(April 20 - May 20): Friends show or offer their support to you and one of your personal projects. Be willing to answer questions and fill them in on the details.
GEMINI (May 21 - June 21): A creative idea leads to a timely and worthwhile career change. Venture forth and don't be afraid of what lies just beyond the bend in the road.
(June 22 - July 22): You're spinning your wheels and allowing too many opportunities to pass you by. Make a decision concerning travel or educational plans right now.
(July 23 - Aug. 22): Pursue interest in a possible investment involving big business or commerce. Be wary of advice from an associate that proves to be less than accurate.
(Aug. 23 - Sept. 22): Share philosophical ideas or opinions with a partner or mate, but don't let your feelings interfere with an important task or duty. A promise is a promise.
(Sept. 23 - Oct. 23): The time is right for making a commitment to a new diet or exercise program. Stop procrastinating or making excuses and get the ball rolling.
(Oct. 24 - Nov. 21): Social activities are highlighted today. Find a hobby or game that is enjoyable as well as entertaining, and get all of your friends involved.
(Nov. 22 - Dec. 21): Questions about your past or family history are begging for answers. Work closely with an elder and uncover the facts to put your mind to rest.
(Dec. 22 - Jan. 19): Honest communication promotes a sense of trust between you and a loved one. Open up and talk about the issues that bother you the most.
(Jan. 20 - Feb. 18): Excel with the assistance and financial generosity of a family member. If you find yourself in a tight bind, don't hesitate to ask for help.
(Feb. 19 - March 20): Your self confidence soars and sets the stage for adventure. Step out into the fast lane today and gain some very valuable and useful experience.

       If your birthday is today, impressionable and gullible are your key words for the coming year. The probability for mistakes and deception looms, and will especially affect your mental activities. Be sure to focus your energy, and practice discipline in your thinking. Financial matters will demand your attention after the middle of January. Look for ways to increase your income or perhaps stretch your current dollars to get more buying power.

      Also born on this date: J.D. Salinger, Barry Goldwater, J. Edgar Hoover, Betsy Ross, Paul Revere and Xavier Cugat.




Tuesday Jan. 2

By Wanda Perry
Copley News Service

ARIES (March 21 - April 19): Break free from the restrictions of a club or group. Strike out in a new direction and initiate a personal project that is earmarked for success.
TAURUS (April 20 - May 20): Active and vivid dreams hold the key to a gnawing dilemma. Be prepared to write down what you can remember soon after you wake up.
(May 21 - June 21): Get together with family members and friends to discuss a financial proposal. You'll be very impressed and excited about what comes up.
(June 22 - July 22): A partner or mate feels threatened because you're spending too much time on career pursuits. Prove your loyalty and win over their support.
(July 23 - Aug. 22): You're a long way away from playing the innocent bystander. Get involved in a hot issue and leave no stone unturned in the search for truth and justice.
(Aug. 23 - Sept. 22): Play it safe with resources that are shared with others. Research any possible investment or get-rich-quick schemes that may come up.
(Sept. 23 - Oct. 23): A special relationship proves to be mentally empowering, while on the emotional level, it could be quite overwhelming. Strike a balance.
(Oct. 24 - Nov. 21): Work presents some new and interesting challenges today. Don't be afraid to dive in, learn from your mistakes and enhance your skills.
(Nov. 22 - Dec. 21): Activities with friends or associates could bust your budget. Know where to draw the line and perhaps decline an expensive invitation.
(Dec. 22 - Jan. 19): You are given an opportunity to make a new start with a personal endeavor. Stay away from situations at home that could be emotionally draining.
(Jan. 20 - Feb. 18): Make sure that you have and understand all the facts before signing an important agreement. Seek legal or personal counseling if necessary.
(Feb. 19 - March 20): Financial or material matters are highlighted. You have what it takes to create wealth and prosperity. Stop doubting yourself and follow your dream.

       If your birthday is today, the main thrust of your energy will go into making a happy home during the coming year. Many changes are indicated within your family structure and parental relationships will be tested. Problems are easily solved if you're willing to compromise. Avoid overreacting, and remain in control throughout an emotional encounter. You're tempted to spend beyond your budget in June or July. Carefully consider the consequences.

      Also born on this date: Isaac Asimov, Jim Bakker, Dennis Hastert, Tia Carrere, Cuba Gooding, Jr., Christy Turlington and Taye Diggs.



Wednesday Jan. 3

By Wanda Perry
Copley News Service

ARIES (March 21 - April 19): Don't turn a strong suggestion into an ugly ego trip or a battle of wills. It would be wise to take advice or accept guidance from a parent or mentor.
(April 20 - May 20): Secretly shared information should be used responsibly. Make sure that no one is hurt by this disclosure and everyone can walk away unscathed.
(May 21 - June 21): Take steps to simplify your life and eliminate self-defeating acts or thoughts. A special friend has a way of showing you how it can be done.
(June 22 - July 22): Someone in authority plays an important role in helping you advance your career. Listen carefully to the voice of experience and take good notes.
(July 23 - Aug. 22): You may have to ruffle a few feathers to get your point across today. Speak out and be heard on a subject that is likely to upset a lot of people.
(Aug. 23 - Sept. 22): Play it smart and do your homework before making an investment. Don't get any ideas about taking risks that are extremely speculative in nature.
(Sept. 23 - Oct. 23): Relationships thrive when the communication process is open and clear. Expect understanding and intimacy only if you have nothing to hide.
(Oct. 24 - Nov. 21): Turn to a co-worker for help with a special assignment. Frustration and confusion will be the result of trying to go it alone.
(Nov. 22 - Dec. 21): Positive or patient parenting is challenging but well worth the effort. Give a gentle reminder to a child about what is expected from him or her.
CAPRICORN (Dec. 22 - Jan. 19): Follow your heart and respond with kindness when a loved one or family member cries out to you for help. Cost should not be an issue.
(Jan. 20 - Feb. 18): A relationship with a sibling or neighbor is hurt by a lack of communication. Keep an open mind and reach out with a peacemaking proposal.
(Feb. 19 - March 20): It pays to investigate a financial tip or money-making suggestion from a friend. You will find that it has great potential for turning a profit.

       If your birthday is today, your creative skills or talents will be highlighted during the coming year. Discover many different ways to express your thoughts and feelings using a variety of interesting mediums. During the autumn months you will be flying high on a professional high cycle. Make great gains when you unveil a personal project and receive the recognition, respect and financial rewards you truly deserve.

      Also born on this date: J.R.R. Tolkien, Victor Borge, Dabney Coleman, Bobby Hull, Stephen Stills, John Paul Jones and Mel Gibson.



Thursday Jan. 4

By Wanda Perry
Copley News Service

ARIES (March 21 - April 19): You've reached an important turning point in monetary matters. Get some valuable and timely financial directions from an investment counselor.
TAURUS (April 20 - May 20): Exciting and stimulating activities will most likely fill up your day. Be patient with a partner or mate who may have trouble keeping up with you.
(May 21 - June 21): Think before you act or react to a negative or aggressive attack. It may be in your best interest to walk away and let the chips fall where they may.
(June 22 - July 22): Your social or romantic life shows signs of freshness and renewal. Go out and have an especially good time with friends and loved ones.
(July 23 - Aug. 22): Activity on the homefront is charted. If you are considering remodeling or moving, get together with family members and compare notes.
(Aug. 23 - Sept. 22): Avoid a heated argument or misunderstanding with a classmate or comrade. Look for a quick, acceptable and amiable compromise.
(Sept. 23 - Oct. 23): Be prepared for unexpected expenses or an increased charge for something you use in your daily life. Make adjustments in your budget.
(Oct. 24 - Nov. 21): Don't give into a tug-of-war between yourself and a partner as egos flare in a fight for control and power. Stay strong and stand your ground.
(Nov. 22 - Dec. 21): Offer your services without disdain or complaint to someone in need. When the day is done you will feel very good about yourself.
(Dec. 22 - Jan. 19): Your mission is to get out and make new friends today. It's easy to connect with others who share your goals, wishes and dreams.
(Jan. 20 - Feb. 18): Deal with emotional or family turmoil with an air of detachment. If you're not careful you could get caught up and lose sight of the lesson.
(Feb. 19 - March 20): Pay attention to the signs along the way while traveling to an unfamiliar destination and make sure that you can find your way back.

       If your birthday is today, you can look forward to a very stimulating and active cycle during the coming year. Do your best to stay on an even keel and explain your feelings to loved ones in rational and practical terms. There is the possibility of going back to school. It works best if you are willing to adopt a less formal form of education or training. Take special care of important documents related to your home or family affairs.

      Also born on this date: Louis Braille, Sterling Holloway, Jane Wyman, Floyd Patterson, Dyan Cannon, Matt Frewer and Michael Stipe.



Friday Jan. 5

By Wanda Perry
Copley News Service

ARIES (March 21 - April 19): You will be very pleased with the results of a recent financial decision. Play your cards right and prosper beyond your wildest dreams.
(April 20 - May 20): It's difficult to deny or hide the truth about your feelings, even to yourself. Come clean and celebrate with a new lease on life.
GEMINI (May 21 - June 21): Find a way to briefly escape reality while remaining somewhat connected and grounded. Try losing yourself in an old romantic novel or movie.
CANCER (June 22 - July 22): Nurture your friends in ways that only you can. Listen to their concerns and come up with a plan of action for an immediate solution.
(July 23 - Aug. 22): Being overly ambitious and confident has positive results. If a project is going to get off the ground and fly, it's up to you. Step up!
(Aug. 23 - Sept. 22): Break free from restrictions of mind, body or spirit. The sky is the limit if you are brave and daring enough to reach for a new level of experience.
(Sept. 23 - Oct. 23): Your income is subject to sudden and unexpected changes today, due in part to actions initiated by others. Take steps to stabilize your finances.
(Oct. 24 - Nov. 21): Keep the lines of communication open between you and a loved one. There will be moments when it will be necessary to read between the lines.
(Nov. 22 - Dec. 21): You cannot fight progress or long overdue changes on the job. Be willing to take on additional responsibilities and go along with the program.
(Dec. 22 - Jan. 19): Make a splash on the social scene. Say yes to an opportunity to do something spontaneous, exciting and a long way from your usual activities.
(Jan. 20 - Feb. 18): Lay low and play by the rules as much as possible today. You do not want to upset an elder or parent who could lower the boom on a pet project.
PISCES (Feb. 19 - March 20): Insightful and useful information comes your way via friends or associates. Keep an open mind and you stand to learn a lot.

       If your birthday is today, moderation is your key word during the coming year. Keep reminding yourself, Rome was not built in a day. Incorporate mental and physical energy and use them together in order to be most effective. Design a plan of action for attaining specific goals and stick to it. Finances will be emphasized the last half of this forecast period. Consider boosting your income, perhaps by working overtime or on a part-time job.

      Also born on this date: Walter Mondale, Robert Duvall, Alvin Ailey, Juan Carlos I, King of Spain, Diane Keaton, Pamela Sue Martin and Marliyn Manson.



Saturday Jan. 6

By Wanda Perry
Copley News Service

ARIES (March 21 - April 19): Let your imagination run wild today. Chances are you will come up with the right answers or insights for solving a pressing problem.
(April 20 - May 20): Meditation will help you sort out a dilemma. When all is said and done, go with your instincts when making a financial decision.
(May 21 - June 21): A positive attitude or a healthy ego is your ticket to success. Sell yourself and land a coveted job or position that has unlimited potential.
(June 22 - July 22): Don't go overboard with doubt or thoughts that could be detrimental to your well being. Let go of fear and embrace a new and wonderful opportunity.
(July 23 - Aug. 22): Divide your time and energy between a variety of friends today. You have something very important to learn from each one.
(Aug. 23 - Sept. 22): Your professional life is very rewarding. Don't apologize for your success because you worked hard, earned it and proven you deserve it.
(Sept. 23 - Oct. 23): Boredom sets in at the drop of a hat today. Stay on your toes and figure out a way to take off to faraway places either physically or mentally.
SCORPIO (Oct. 24 - Nov. 21): A big business deal or investment sounds too good to be true. Do your homework and keep your expectations in check.
SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22 - Dec. 21): Expect to cross paths with people from other cultures or different backgrounds. Drop any preconceived ideas, listen and learn.
(Dec. 22 - Jan. 19): This would be a great time to launch a new exercise program or lifestyle-changing diet. Get on board and look forward to immediate results.
(Jan. 20 - Feb. 18): You're in a happy, loving and giving mood today. Discover the perfect way to spread your feelings of joy and cheer among your loved ones.
(Feb. 19 - March 20): Plan to spend some quality time with family members and friends. A younger sibling or relative has a special activity in mind. Play along!

       If your birthday is today, disciplined thinking is the key to your success during the coming year. This would be the perfect time for studies requiring focus and perseverance. Stay away from speculative ventures or get-rich-quick schemes that will not solve your financial woes in the long run. Learn to be more responsible with your money. Start by setting up a savings plan and making regular and consistent contributions.

      Also born on this date: Carl Sandburg, Danny Thomas, Sun Myung Moon, Vic Tayback, Bonnie Franklin, Nancy Lopez and Joey Lauren Adams.



Sunday Jan. 7

By Wanda Perry
Copley News Service

ARIES (March 21 - April 19): Knowledge is your best defense against the possibility of brainwashing. Don't hesitate to stand up and defend your philosophies or beliefs.
(April 20 - May 20): Avoid financial manipulation or power plays. Take control of your personal resources and guard against loss through unwise speculation.
(May 21 - June 21): Time spent with an influential individual is well worth it. Open your mind and appreciate and absorb what is being offered to you.
(June 22 - July 22): Partners or associates recognize your leadership ability and encourage you to come out of your shell. Stay within your comfort zone and take it slow.
(July 23 - Aug. 22): Offer your support or service to a charitable club, group or organization. Express intense romantic feelings without strings or expectations.
(Aug. 23 - Sept. 22): A confrontation has potential for turning into a fierce battle. He who is the most inventive, courageous and creatively compromising wins.
LIBRA (Sept. 23 - Oct. 23): When given an opportunity to speak your mind don't hesitate to take it. You will not get a chance to get air your complaints this effectively again.
(Oct. 24 - Nov. 21): Give your money a new happy and safe home. Look into changing your bank or financial institution for more convenience or better service.
(Nov. 22 - Dec. 21): You may be tempted to spill the beans, but do your best to keep the secrets of a loved one. You would want him or her to do the same for you.
(Dec. 22 - Jan. 19): Avoid putting the needs of others ahead of your own. Take a firm stance and protect yourself from an unwanted intrusion of privacy.
(Jan. 20 - Feb. 18): Focus on goal achievement and strive to be more efficient. You can get a lot done if you are organized and can stay mentally on track.
PISCES (Feb. 19 - March 20): You're feeling very confident today which could lead to overly aggressive tendencies. Challenge an authority figure at your own risk.

       If your birthday is today, what goes around comes around is the rule of thumb during the coming year. Expect payback or payoff stemming from past actions or decisions that could be positive or negative, only you can know for sure. Give your attention to healing the important relationships in your life. Establish a balance of even give-and-take on the emotional level and you're headed in the right direction.

      Also born this date: Millard Fillmore, Charles Addams, Paul Revere, Kenny Loggins, Katie Couric, Nicolas Cage and David Yost.

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